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Family of (🔥)Ljómi Hjarn

Inbreeding Coefficient (COI):
Instances of Inbreeding:

Paternal Family Tree
Great Grandparents
Great Great Grandparents
Maternal Family Tree
Great Grandparents
Great Great Grandparents

Living Biological Offspring

Image Offspring Information Base Mother Pack
Mikha- arrogant Headshot Mikha- arrogant Realgar (☯️)Blóð Stormr Saber Pack
Nalna Headshot Nalna Realgar Hellion Hlienes Vaskr
Saffron Headshot Saffron Saffron (☯️)Glóa Sköll Bluelight Pack
(🔥)Sebasteia Sjá Headshot (🔥)Sebasteia Sjá Realgar (AA🔥)Sjá Dugr Eligius
(🔥)Niko Nál Headshot (🔥)Niko Nál Pyrope (B☯️)Nál Mergin Eligius
(🔥)Khloris Kviðr Headshot (🔥)Khloris Kviðr Pyrope (R🔥)Kviðr Illska Eligius
Sunshine Headshot Sunshine Gold Darker Midday Wren's Eye Pack
Lumi Headshot Lumi Tawny Midday Dark Tail Pack
Jaybird Headshot Jaybird Russet Ratha Pinewood Pack
Spice II Headshot Spice II Saffron Spice Thistle Runners

Living Adopted Offspring

Image Offspring Information Other Adoptive Parent Pack

Deceased Biological Offspring

Image Offspring Information Base Mother Pack
Chocolate / 4M / Albinism Headshot Chocolate / 4M / Albinism Chocolate Sena Misty Lake Pack
Blanc Headshot Blanc Amber ()Stigr Blóð Lune Elysee
Mouse Headshot Mouse Liver Dusty bridge Cavern's Creek
Alex Headshot Alex Realgar Ratha Sunset Children
Sashimi Headshot Sashimi Auburn Ratha WillowStrike Pack
[TOR] Solace Headshot [TOR] Solace Realgar [TOR] Asena Grey Songs
()Ylva Ljótr II Headshot ()Ylva Ljótr II Russet (☯️)Ljótr II Hvass Yggdrasil
(A🔥)Spekð Vísindi Headshot (A🔥)Spekð Vísindi Auburn (A🔥)Vísindi Sköll Yggdrasil
(💗)Sæla II Vé Headshot (💗)Sæla II Vé Sarder (🍼💗)Vé Áræði Yggdrasil
(💗)Asbjorn Reiði Headshot (💗)Asbjorn Reiði Auburn (C💗)Reiði Góðvili Yggdrasil

Deceased Adopted Offspring

Image Offspring Information Other Adoptive Parent Pack