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Family of Leaf

This wolf is adopted!

This wolf was adopted by...

Biological Family Tree

Inbreeding Coefficient (COI):
Instances of Inbreeding:

Paternal Family Tree
Great Grandparents
Great Great Grandparents
Maternal Family Tree
Great Grandparents
Great Great Grandparents

Living Biological Offspring

Image Offspring Information Base Father Pack
Lady Headshot Lady Quartz Feathers Deepcrest Stalkers
🌑Meteor🌑 Headshot 🌑Meteor🌑 Dust Feathers Fangs Of Fire
🌑Solar🌑 Headshot 🌑Solar🌑 Dust Feathers Fangs Of Fire

Living Adopted Offspring

Image Offspring Information Other Adoptive Parent Pack
Doma Headshot Doma Feathers Placebo
Cave Stalker Headshot Cave Stalker Feathers Bramble Runner Pack
♧ Moonrise Headshot ♧ Moonrise Feathers Estrelas Pack
Espowyes Headshot Espowyes Feathers Sun Spirit
Evolet Headshot Evolet Feathers Forest Fall
Apple pie Headshot Apple pie Feathers Scorching sands pack
Daryl Headshot Daryl Feathers Little Ladies
♡ New Adopted Puppy Headshot ♡ New Adopted Puppy Feathers Estrelas Pack
♤ 2C New Adopted Puppy Headshot ♤ 2C New Adopted Puppy Feathers Estrelas Pack
Sallow Headshot Sallow Feathers Sútha Talún

Deceased Biological Offspring

Image Offspring Information Base Father Pack

Deceased Adopted Offspring

Image Offspring Information Other Adoptive Parent Pack