Item Catalogue
Star Ruby of the Stalker - large scent Trail
This decor is in honor to Ghost. Ghost is the first Wolf on WD wich found a large scent Trail in Rainforest/Glacier! You can found all Infos about it here: exist in game
Custom Decoration
Stardust Shroud
After many moons of stargazing, this wolf has become touched by the twinkling night sky. No matter what time of day the stars never leave their side.145 exist in game
Custom Decoration
Starlight Muse
"Our hopes and expectations, black holes and revelations."28 exist in game
Custom Decoration
Starry Eyes
A sky full of stars contained in two eyes! Or maybe there's just something wrong with them...12 exist in game
Custom Decoration
Steampunk Chic [Belted Bracelet - Gunpowder]
Undeniably genre savvy, but make it fashion.5 exist in game
Custom Decoration
Steampunk Chic [Belted Bracelet - Gunsmoke]
Undeniably genre savvy, but make it fashion.3 exist in game
Custom Decoration