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Item Catalogue

Wolf: Violet
This decor comes with a Translucent Jellyfish effect - it makes your wolf invisible in the scene.
1718 exist in game
Wolf: Willa
This decor comes with a Translucent Jellyfish effect - it makes your wolf invisible in the scene.
1982 exist in game
Wolf: Wisp
This decor comes with a Translucent Jellyfish effect - it makes your wolf invisible in the scene.
990 exist in game
Wolverine Pelt
Such a warm pelt! And it's so fluffy, too!
3015 exist in game
Wolverine Skull
A skull of the toughest creature of the north!
5316 exist in game
Women Want Me Fish Fear Me
Happy fishing!
111 exist in game
Custom Decoration
Wood Betony
This European herb prevents nightmares and minor ailments.
130624 exist in game
Woodcock Carcass
This tiny bird is hardly a meal, but still tasty.
5866 exist in game
Wooden Wheelchair
It's surprisingly comfortable!
7 exist in game
Custom Decoration
Woodhouse's Scrub Jay
An intelligent Jay from western North America. It dwells in scrublands and various forests.
515 exist in game
Woodland Sunflower
The common sunflower's woodland cousin!
242 exist in game
Woodpecker Carcass
A woodpecker carcass that is satisfying to eat.
11741 exist in game
Woof Wheelchair
Got a disabled wolf? Your chariot awaits, my liege
19 exist in game
Custom Decoration
Worm on a String
Hell yeah, baby!
45 exist in game
Custom Decoration
Worn Armor
Even after all these years, the metal plates still make your wolf look as noble as ever.
173 exist in game
Custom Decoration