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Item Catalogue

[USA] Indiana - Cornfields
The tall prairie grass is now replaced by humans with a new type of plant. Like a forest, it can shelter a wolf, a deer, a scary movie killer... anything, really. North America - USA theme set.
242 exist in game
[USA] Iowa - Broken Kettle Grasslands
Kettles are funnel-like formations that raptor birds form when getting into thermal updrafts over the prairie. This special preserve is home to a rare population of black-billed magpies and prairie rattlesnakes. North America - USA theme set.
241 exist in game
[USA] Kansas - Twisters
Dreadful weather over the fields is not an unusual sight. Or are you not in Kansas anymore? North America - USA theme set.
418 exist in game
[USA] Kentucky - Red River
The Red River feeds the Kentucky River, as boulders and cliffs decorate its shores in the Red River Gorge. North America - USA theme set.
297 exist in game
[USA] Louisiana - Atchafalaya Swamp
Where a river delta expands into a wetland, an ancient cypress forest grows undisturbed. North America - USA theme set.
449 exist in game
[USA] Maine - Acadia National Forest
Dense forests tower over the shores of many northern islands. North America - USA theme set.
372 exist in game
[USA] Maryland - Calvert Cliffs
The refreshing breeze of the beach, tall coastal grass, and the freedom of forested hills... so relaxing. North America - USA theme set.
282 exist in game
[USA] Massachusetts - Quabbin Reservoir
Wildlife thrives along this gigantic body of water. North America - USA theme set.
375 exist in game
[USA] Michigan - Pictured Rocks
Beautiful cliffs and arches are scattered along the shore of a massive lake. North America - USA theme set.
426 exist in game
[USA] Minnesota - Boundary Waters
A beautiful wilderness region between Canada and the United States. North America - USA theme set.
352 exist in game
[USA] Mississippi - Greenville Cypress Preserve
A small wetland forest for wolves who like doing weekend raids in the nearby city. North America - USA theme set.
214 exist in game
[USA] Missouri - The Ozarks
This massive plateau is carved into beautiful cliffs by springs and rivers. North America - USA theme set.
314 exist in game
[USA] Montana - Glacier National Park
This massive national park contains everything a wolf would desire: beautiful mountains, vibrant lakes, vast plains, and thick forests filled with prey. Sadly, many glaciers within the park have disappeared in recent years. North America - USA theme set.
308 exist in game
[USA] Nebraska - Chadron State Park
A vast savanna decorated with pine trees and cottonwood. North America - USA theme set.
395 exist in game
[USA] Nevada - Red Rock Canyon
Red sandstone slowly crumbles into arches and valleys. North America - USA theme set.
295 exist in game