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Item Catalogue

2 PUNK 4 U [Bracers]
Bricks? What bricks? The ones that smashed the police car's windshield? Nah, nah. That wasn't me. I'm busy bringing soup home for my family.
20 exist in game
Custom Decoration
2 PUNK 4 U [Makeup & Safety Pin]
No look is complete without eyeliner so sharp you could stab someone with it!
10 exist in game
Custom Decoration
2 Ring Earring (black)
A black 2 ring earring for all basic pup stages
71 exist in game
Custom Decoration
2000 Glasses
Looks like your wolf got their paws on some very old, very silly glasses... how are they staying on?
39 exist in game
Custom Decoration
3 Ring Earring
A gold 3 ring earring for all basic wolf stages
142 exist in game
Custom Decoration
3000 Glasses
Ornate glasses celebrating an impressive achievement of the most outstanding wolves out there.
4 exist in game
Custom Decoration
4K Necklace
A silver chain adorned with a jagged charm, commemorating an incredible achievement that will live on forever in legend. (Private decor for Mavric #33260)
3 exist in game
Custom Decoration
4K Specs
Have you ever wanted to see your wolf in 4K? Well you can now! -For any user who has gotten their wolf to 4K stats-
2 exist in game
Custom Decoration
A Bloodmoon's Blessing
Your wolf glows crimson in the eerie light from this moon... looks best on lighter wolves!
6 exist in game
Custom Decoration
A Bright Blue Blep.
A blue tongue for your pups!
48 exist in game
Custom Decoration
A Cardboard Masterpiece: Sketchboof
Do you ever wish that your wolf could be a bit simpler? Introducing Sketchboof, the placeholder companion that makes things just a little bit more simple. Though just a cardboard cutout, it is multifunctional and highly compatible with all wolves!
43 exist in game
Custom Decoration
A Cookie!
A treat for your favourite wolf.
14 exist in game
Custom Decoration
A Cup of Weird Snow
This snow is a very stange color and it makes you feel quite zoomie! In loving memory of Ru.
15 exist in game
Custom Decoration
A Demon’s Grin
Your wolf has the sudden urge to smile and will now kill anything that moves.
15 exist in game
Custom Decoration
A Divine Harvest
The power of the harvest moon lurks over your wolf.
162 exist in game
Custom Decoration