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Item Catalogue

Yellow Protruding Fangs
Looks like someone needs to brush their teeth!
8 exist in game
Custom Decoration
Yellow Scarf
A soft yellow scarf with maroon stripes. Custom for woof.kunii #80170
3 exist in game
Custom Decoration
Yellow tinted glasses
Yellow. Looks kinda bad on its own but it was made to pair with my decor vampiric hat & hair
2 exist in game
Custom Decoration
Yellowleaf Iris
If you look hard enough between the trees of coniferous forests high in the mountains, you'll spot this pretty pale flower against the darkness.
245 exist in game
YiYang a protective Split Patches Companion.
10 exist in game
Custom Decoration
Yosemite Valley
A breathtaking view of the Sierra Nevada and its montane forest.
765 exist in game
You wouldn't know..!
Could you tell?
9 exist in game
Custom Decoration
Young Deer Antlers
These antlers used to belong to a young deer. Now they can be used for a staggering look!
40 exist in game
Custom Decoration
Your Wolf is a Magical Girl!
Get ready to save the day, magical girl!
14 exist in game
Custom Decoration
Yucatan Jay
A bi-coloured Jay from the Yucatán Peninsula. It dwells in tropical dry forests and plantations.
596 exist in game
Yukio's Blanket
A custom blanket swaddle for Yukio. This decor is specifically designed and shaded to go with the Flickering Meadow Background.
3 exist in game
Custom Decoration
Zagreus's Plush Pelt
This luxurious pelt adds a layer of coziness and flair to your wolf's coat. Custom pelt recolor for Zagreus. (Custom for #71388)
3 exist in game
Custom Decoration
Zebra Longwing
A butterfly!
22430 exist in game
Zebra Swallowtail
A large, beautiful butterfly that is always in proximity of pawpaw plants.
204 exist in game
Zephyr’s Wrath
Intricate cracks of galactic fire delicately shine through your wolf’s pelt.
15 exist in game
Custom Decoration