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Item Catalogue

Male Package: Albino
Naturally anatomically male.
14 exist in game
Custom Decoration
Male Package: Dark
For naturally dark males.
25 exist in game
Custom Decoration
Male Package: Gray
A natural package for the gray males.
17 exist in game
Custom Decoration
Male Package: Pink
For your Mojave's or other pinky dudes.
7 exist in game
Custom Decoration
Male Zebra Finch
A colorful and friendly Zebra Finch!
8 exist in game
Custom Decoration
Malnourished (Dark)
This decor gives the appearance of mild malnourishment, including gentle shadows around the face, legs, ribs, chest and back. This version is ideal for wolves of a dark color. Idea by Chester#592
61 exist in game
Custom Decoration
Malnourished (Light)
This decor gives the appearance of mild malnourishment, including gentle shadows around the face, legs, ribs, chest and back. This version is ideal for wolves of a light color. Idea by Chester#592
20 exist in game
Custom Decoration
Malnourished (Medium)
This decor gives the appearance of mild malnourishment, including gentle shadows around the face, legs, ribs, chest and back. This version is ideal for wolves of a medium color. Idea by Chester#592
51 exist in game
Custom Decoration
Barren landscapes formed by lava fields. These badlands can be found in New Mexico.
195 exist in game
Mammoth Spring Friendship Bracelet
In honor of Valentine’s Day (my favorite holiday) this bracelet will be sent out to all key members of Mammoth Spring!
14 exist in game
Custom Decoration
Mana Potion Bottle Necklace
You get the feeling that this blue sparkly liquid would have some sort of magical gain on drinking truth, it just tastes like blueberries.
6 exist in game
Custom Decoration
Aren't they cute?
7 exist in game
Custom Decoration
Mane Bun (Light)
Flowing fur is way less of a headache when put into an up-do.
5 exist in game
Custom Decoration
Mangled Leg (Back)
Ouch ouch ouch
5 exist in game
Custom Decoration
Mangled Leg (Front)
Ouchie my leg
3 exist in game
Custom Decoration