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Item Catalogue

Women Want Me Fish Fear Me
Happy fishing!
111 exist in game
Custom Decoration
Wood Betony
This European herb prevents nightmares and minor ailments.
108651 exist in game
Woodcock Carcass
This tiny bird is hardly a meal, but still tasty.
4639 exist in game
Wooden Wheelchair
It's surprisingly comfortable!
7 exist in game
Custom Decoration
Woodhouse's Scrub Jay
An intelligent Jay from western North America. It dwells in scrublands and various forests.
482 exist in game
Woodland Sunflower
The common sunflower's woodland cousin!
214 exist in game
Woodpecker Carcass
A woodpecker carcass that is satisfying to eat.
9281 exist in game
Woof Wheelchair
Got a disabled wolf? Your chariot awaits, my liege
19 exist in game
Custom Decoration
Worm on a String
Hell yeah, baby!
45 exist in game
Custom Decoration
Worn Armor
Even after all these years, the metal plates still make your wolf look as noble as ever.
163 exist in game
Custom Decoration
Worn Cloak
This cloak of thin fabric has seen better days.
148 exist in game
Custom Decoration
Worn Down Slot Machine
It's always either the bones or the cones... [To Obtain: Be a part of the Gamblers Not Anonymous group for greater than a week + pay for copy fee] [Works best with lighter backgrounds with few foliage]
8 exist in game
Custom Decoration
Worn Hood
An old but well-made hood.
110 exist in game
Custom Decoration
Woven anklet
A decor for my herbalist :)
3 exist in game
Custom Decoration
Wrapped Necklace [Red & White]
A red and white beaded necklace with a seagull feather! It's very comfy to wear.
13 exist in game
Custom Decoration