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vdlove2's Wishlist

This is vdlove2's Wishlist - a list of all the items they desire! If you are feeling generous, you may wish to gift one or more of these items to this member!

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[USA] Colorado - Elk Mountains
This sharp and massive mountain range divides the continent and dictates the weather. North America - USA theme set.
Antarctic Moonlight
Is it a vision from another world, or perhaps a Lunar trail led you all the way there? Appears in Lunar Shop only during Lunar events happening over the Antarctica - you may not see it for years.
Antler - White-Tailed Deer
The Antler from a White-Tailed Deer for your wolf.
Arnica Flower Decor
These arnica flowers are bringing out your wolf's eyes.
Atavori's Gloaming
Take up the marks of Atavori, whose sacred light dapples her pelt and glitters like the stars. [Request recolours!]
Banahari's Void [Bioluminesn't]
Take up the marks of Banahari, whose sacred light has gone dark.