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piglet42000's Wishlist

This is piglet42000's Wishlist - a list of all the items they desire! If you are feeling generous, you may wish to gift one or more of these items to this member!

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An acorn. Fun to play with and chew on! It's a bit like pine cones—it can be used as currency with other scavenging animals you may meet whilst exploring.
Agouti Carcass
Its appearance is like a rat and a deer had a baby.
Alligator Carcass
This reasonably-sized gator is suitable to feed a pack of predators.
Bighorn Sheep Ram Carcass
If you could call a carcass 'beautiful', this would be it.
Elk Bundle
The rotting smell will help your pack find the scent of nearby carrion, thus granting you five Elk Cow Carcasses. No bloodhound nose could compare to this trick!