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facethesun's Wishlist

This is facethesun's Wishlist - a list of all the items they desire! If you are feeling generous, you may wish to gift one or more of these items to this member!

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Mountain Laurel Blossoms
Flowering bush spreads amazing scents in the mountain forest.
My Tiny Son
Sometimes a family is you and your very, very... VERY tiny son.
Night Crater Lake
This lake is the second deepest in the United States, and is home to a remnant of a destroyed volcano! Can only be obtained at night.
Night in the Forest
Night falls fast during the winter, and the forest becomes eerily quiet.
Night Newfoundland Shore
Icy-cold waves lap at the shore and lights shimmer in the sky far away. What a beautiful spot! Can only be obtained at night.
Night Palouse
These rolling hills are fertile and contain lush growth that humans once cultivated, but they're long gone from here now. Can only be obtained at night.
Old Humming Pier
An old pier is decaying in the cold waters of a glacial lake. You can feel a hum beneath your paws, one that matches with the rhythm of the lake's vibrating surface.
Opossum baby companion
This fuzzy creature seems to be clinging really hard to your fur.
Pink Albino Snake Friend
A rosy pastel albino hangs out on a tropical pink branch. Perfect supervision for pups!
Puffin Colony
It appears as if thousands of birds lived among these cliffs!
Redwood Shade
Gigantic redwood trees cover the forest with delightfully cold shade.
Ruby-Throated Hummingbirds
Your wolf must smell like nectar to have attracted these tiny birds!
Saturn's Lament
Harness the incredible power in sorrow.
Seasonal Blue Moon
Unique background celebrating a unique event. Seasonal Blue Moon is the third Full Moon of an astronomical season that has four Full Moons. Next available date for this Background is May 2026.
Sentimental Icy Shore
The colours of the sky reflect within the snow, ice, and water.