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🌌✦☽The Night☾✦🌌's Wishlist

This is 🌌✦☽The Night☾✦🌌's Wishlist - a list of all the items they desire! If you are feeling generous, you may wish to gift one or more of these items to this member!

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A Visitor from the Night Sky
An unexpected extraterrestial guest.
Ancient Stag's Remnants
The glowing skull, antlers, and pelt of a slain Ancient Stag adorn this wolf, carefully bound together with beaded cording.
Annoying Sprite
This obnoxious fae-creature won't stop talking your ear off!
Arcane Core
You are a wolf with an extremely high-temperature molten magical core; one might say, a 'hot dog'. [Request recolours!]
Aurora Borealis
The Northern Lights emanate from your back
Aurora Borealis [Sparkles]
The mysterious lights dancing across the northern skies are said to be the light reflecting from the armour and shields of the Valkyries.