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Lette's Wishlist

This is Lette's Wishlist - a list of all the items they desire! If you are feeling generous, you may wish to gift one or more of these items to this member!

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Aging Crystal
When given to your chosen adolescent wolf, this crystal will instantly age them up to 11½ months of age.
Anniversary! Festive Tala
Tala is celebrating welcoming all the new fantastic pack leaders to Wolvden!
Arctic Fox
A hardy Arctic fox adult from the polar plains!
Black Eye Patch
ARRRGGGHH! Turn your wolf into a pirate!
Black Leather Sporran
This leather pocket was crafted exclusively for wolves to adapt their looks to the traditional Scottish style.
Celtic Cloak [Black]
A Celtic cloak with a Bronze Age broche, designed specifically for wolves.
Company of Faelcu [Calm]
One of the Faelcu has traveled here to seek out your wolf's company. They seem calm... for now.
This item will make a wolf immortal - it will never age or require care, but cannot be bred or given a role. It will never die. The wolf must have a breeding cooldown of less than 16 rollovers & no role or pairbond. You must have a free immortality slot.
Mexican oregano can be found in the hottest of biomes, or in warmer mountain ranges. It is useful for treating infections and irritated skin. If dried, it can turn into a nice, soft bedding for newborn puppies.
Redwood Sorrel
Redwood sorrel can be found in a few biomes along the coast in the shade of Redwood trees. It can help with skin diseases and restoring acidic balance to the body. If dried, it can turn into a nice, soft bedding for newborn puppies.