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SappY's Wishlist

This is SappY's Wishlist - a list of all the items they desire! If you are feeling generous, you may wish to gift one or more of these items to this member!

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Skin Changer
Use this on your chosen wolf to change their skin colour into another common or custom skin colour of your choice.
Smoo Cave
In this cool and secluded place, fresh and saltwater mix in this cave that has been carved out by the sea over centuries.
Sunlit Cave
Beautiful light is breaking into a cave through many holes in the ceiling.
Sunshine Shower
What a beautiful day! The sun is breaking through the rain clouds overhead, tinting everything in a golden glow.
Swan Lake
A calm lake disturbed only by serene swans floating on the surface.
Swimming Mallard Ducks
What a great pond to chill at. The ducks are quiet and are fun to watch.
The Cairngorms
Also known as Am Monadh Ruadh, this mountain range is part of the Cairngorms National Park and offers a quiet sanctuary to all animals.
The Mojave
The driest and smallest desert in North America!
Thistle Meadow
This meadow is covered in thistle. The scent is overwhelming!
Timberline of Denali
Eventually, once you've gone far enough north, the ground becomes too frozen for saplings to grow. The timberline marks the beginning of the tundra.
Total Shuffle
This item will wipe all existing markings from your chosen wolf, then fill all slots with randomised markings. It's like using multiple Random Marking Applicators at once!
Warm Light
Is it Midas's touch or just the sun? A rich golden glow gilds your fur.
White Mountains
A large portion of the Appalachian Trail explores the White Mountains and the local forest. It's time to go hiking - the view is stunning!
White Sage
This item will guarantee a minimum of 6 puppies in a litter. Prepare a ceremony and howl a song for your chosen wolf.
Wild Toucans
Tropical birds can get pretty loud, this flock, however, seems pretty quiet. Maybe it's a nice place to rest?