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✧ Kilyaru ✧'s Wishlist

This is ✧ Kilyaru ✧'s Wishlist - a list of all the items they desire! If you are feeling generous, you may wish to gift one or more of these items to this member!

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Medicine: Influenza Cure
An elixir used for curing all kinds of Influenza, crafted by skilled paws.
Medicine: Mange Salve
A salve used for healing Mange, crafted by skilled paws.
Medicine: Open Wound Salve
A salve used for healing an Open Wound, crafted by skilled paws.
Mendenhall Glacier
The tongue of this Alaskan Glacier is feeding a lake and forming beautiful caves. Sadly, it's slowly shrinking as the climate warms up.
Midnight drape
A deep purple garment of raven feathers, sparkling stars, and gleaming crescent moons. Give your wolf the feeling of being one with the night sky.
Mirthful Meadow
What a peaceful bit of land! It seems like nothing could disrupt your rest here.
Misty Trail
This ethereal sight appears only during heavy fog at night.
Mountain Laurel Blossoms
Flowering bush spreads amazing scents in the mountain forest.
Muddy Spring Trail
Looks like many animals pass this area, mixing their tracks in the muddy trail crossroad when they cross from one side of the forest to the other.
Nature Dragon Companion
Take good care of it, it will grow and bloom.
Nebulous Cavity
Talk about feeling hollow.
Night Colorado River
One of the most well-known places in North America, the Colorado River houses vast canyons and 11 National Parks. The ideal place to call home. Can only be obtained at night.
Night Creek
The gentle bubbling of the water as it winds through the trees is peaceful and serene. Won't you stay for a while? Can only be obtained at night.
Night Greenland Peaks
With peaks as high as these, the temperature can get frosty. Good thing you have a thick pelt! Can only be obtained at night.
Night in the Forest
Night falls fast during the winter, and the forest becomes eerily quiet.