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Jess's Wishlist

This is Jess's Wishlist - a list of all the items they desire! If you are feeling generous, you may wish to gift one or more of these items to this member!

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[Canada] Ontario - Algonquin Park
Still waters and humid air create an amazing fog in the mornings. North America - Canada theme set.
[USA] North Carolina - Blue Ridge Mountains
The cove hardwood forest is one of the most diverse types of woodlands on this continent. North America - USA theme set.
Arctic White
A butterfly!
Aspen Trees
Quaking aspen can withstand habitats that many broad-leaf trees cannot.
Auyuittuq National Park
Also known as the land that never melts, this area is rich in fjords, rocky slopes, and ice fields. The mountain range has the oddest shape, as if ancient beings tried to build cities on the range's very peaks.
Base Applicator [Ghost]
Use this on your chosen wolf to change their base to Ghost. Genetics: Special Light Tier *.
Base Applicator [Storm]
Use this on your chosen wolf to change their base to Storm. Genetics: Special Medium Tier *.
Base Applicator [Tempest]
Use this on your chosen wolf to change their base to Tempest. Genetics: Special Dark Tier *.
Belted Kingfisher
This is a species of bird where, for once, the females are more colourful!
Big Thicket
Deep in southern Texas, you can find a temperate swamp called Baygall. You should be careful, as you can find acid bogs amongst the stagnant ponds.
Black Leather Sporran
This leather pocket was crafted exclusively for wolves to adapt their looks to the traditional Scottish style.
Black-Capped Chickadee
Perhaps you could feed and shelter this round bird during the winter?
Black-Throated Magpie-Jay
A long-tailed jay from Mexico. It dwells in woodlands.
Blue Moon
A blue moon isn't really blue - it's just a second full moon within one month! This item appears within Raccoon Wares every month that features two full moons in real life (this refers to the calendar blue moon event).
Boat-Tailed Grackle
A big, iridescent bird that resides in southern swamps.