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Shiloh's Wishlist

This is Shiloh's Wishlist - a list of all the items they desire! If you are feeling generous, you may wish to gift one or more of these items to this member!

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Glowing Vegetation
This thick vegetation thrives, thanks to the lunar essence seeping deep into the ground.
Great Tit
When fed to your breeding male, the next breeding's litter will be entirely female.
Herb Bundle
If you're in need of some herbs, this package will grant you two to three random herbs to spice things up!
Lunar Body Smoke [Purple]
Beautiful purple smoke rises from your wolf’s pelt, making it blend in with the lunar wind.
Lunar Cumberland Plateau
A breathtaking view! You can almost see lunar essence falling slowly from the cliffs down into the forest.
Markings Applicator [Biform]
Use this on your chosen wolf in order to apply a Biform marking of your choice in any available slot with your chosen opacity percentage.
Markings Applicator [Sappho]
Use this on your chosen wolf in order to apply a Sappho marking of your choice in any available slot with your chosen opacity percentage.
Night Crater Lake
This lake is the second deepest in the United States, and is home to a remnant of a destroyed volcano! Can only be obtained at night.
Nose Applicator [Lunar]
Use this on your chosen wolf to change their nose colour to Lunar.
Nose Applicator [Sacer]
Use this on your chosen wolf to change their nose colour to Sacer.
Purple Essence Flame [Ears]
This cold flame glows with purple lunar essence. It seems to never die down and never burns your wolf's fur.
Purple Essence Flame [Tail]
This cold flame glows with purple lunar essence. It seems to never die down and never burns your wolf's fur.
Purple Glowing Paws [Lunar]
The essence fills your wolf with a new energy.
Purple Haze
The air is thick with glowing essence. You can barely see the sky.
Serene Lair
The sun shimmers between dangling flora onto the warm rocks. You belong here.