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𝕷ow…'s Wishlist

This is 𝕷ow…'s Wishlist - a list of all the items they desire! If you are feeling generous, you may wish to gift one or more of these items to this member!

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Bowltube Iris
A beautiful flower native to California. It was also used as fiber to fashion nets and snares by humans long ago.
Bristle-Pointed Iris
What a beautiful flower! It will bloom in almost any environment.
Brown Arctic
A butterfly! It enjoys short summers; thus, climate change is not good news for this species.
Brown Leather Sporran
This leather pocket was crafted exclusively for wolves to adapt their looks to the traditional Scottish style.
Buck Supermoon
The biggest full moon that occurs in July is called the Buck Supermoon. This was first released in July 2022.
Burned Forest
Looks like a wildfire went through these woods.
Celtic Ruana Wrap [Green]
A cosy piece of clothing to wrap around your fur in a cold environment. This one mimics the colour of coniferous forests.
Chaparral Herb Crown
A beautiful crown made from chaparral.
Chaparral Shrubland
A coastal and montane scrubland area found in California and Mexico. Some chaparral can be over a century old and are able to survive long periods without rainfall.
Chilling Blue Jays
Just a bunch of blue jays chillin' in a hot scrub, five feet apart 'cause they're very jay.
Claw Applicator [Apollo]
Use this on your chosen wolf to change their claw colour to Apollo.
Claw Applicator [Chill]
Use this on your chosen wolf to change their claw colour to Chill.
Claw Applicator [Cynthius]
Use this on your chosen wolf to change their claw colour to Cynthius.
Claw Applicator [Fungus]
Use this on your chosen wolf to change their claw colour to Fungus.
Claw Applicator [Lunar]
Use this on your chosen wolf to change their claw colour to Lunar.