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Ch4issy's Wishlist

This is Ch4issy's Wishlist - a list of all the items they desire! If you are feeling generous, you may wish to gift one or more of these items to this member!

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Annoying Sprite [Nose]
All this faerie dust is making you sneeze!
Antler Flower Crown
Beautiful crown made out of antlers, colorful feather and flowers. Perfect for the leader or other important wolf.
Arctic Draba & Amethyst Fields
Exposed gems adorned with flowers gently swaying in the wind.
Arctic White
A butterfly!
Arctic Woolly Bear Moth
A moth! Its life cycle can last many years before it drops the fluffy caterpillar stage for some wings!
Argentine Thorn Crown
A silver crown of thorns
Arianrhod's Lyre
But how do you play it, anyway...?
Arisu - World's Harvest
"Mother, creator of all. Heed my prayers and answer my calls. Respond to your servant's pleas, combine the winds, forests, wildfires, and seas. Mother, creator of all; lend me you power all-in-all."
Atavori's Gloaming
Take up the marks of Atavori, whose sacred light dapples her pelt and glitters like the stars. [Request recolours!]
Atavori's Sunlight
Take up the marks of Atavori, whose sacred light dapples her pelt and glows as warmly as the light of the sun. [Recolour requested by #27930]
Aura's Legacy
The very essence of my fursona. And the first wolf I ever uploaded to Wolvden. Her legacy will continue as long as I live. Each breath passing along the spirit of me. She is me. I am her.
Aurora Borealis [Sparkles]
The mysterious lights dancing across the northern skies are said to be the light reflecting from the armour and shields of the Valkyries.
Azalea Flower Decor
These vibrant pink azalea flowers are super eye-catching.
B. Hamorii Companion
Brachypelma hamorii or Mexican Red Knee Tarantula. A fuzzy friend to help keep pesky bugs away.
Background Rocks [Gray]
A big rock formation to put behind your wolf.