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The Absolute Menace's Wishlist

This is The Absolute Menace's Wishlist - a list of all the items they desire! If you are feeling generous, you may wish to gift one or more of these items to this member!

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-- "Heterochromia": Pastel pink & purple --
A beautiful custom eye color for your wolf! [DM #10923 for recolors]
""Queen’s Robes"" (Dark Blue)
Treat your wolves like the royals they are. Might do other colors soon.
[Blue] Rose Overhang
Something about these flowers seems mystical.
Amusement Scraps
Leftovers from common amusement items.
Wolf-shaming Paper Sign - Bad Hunter
Here they are, the leader of your hunting party, in the flesh. You’d think that with 100% chasing and stalking proficiencies they’d bring home a meal big enough to feed the entire pack... Unfortunately, this hunter managed to lose 5HP, get an open wound,