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Black Sabbath's Wishlist

This is Black Sabbath's Wishlist - a list of all the items they desire! If you are feeling generous, you may wish to gift one or more of these items to this member!

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-- """Eye's of the seer""" --
You're wolf seems to be able to see the future, I wonder what they see. Hm. [Private Decor. Only 5 copies will ever exist]
"All about the fight" Back Leg Set
Scars sure tell a story, wonder where he got these silver chains from? If he broke out somewhere?
Elbow Tufts [White]
Extra fur on the elbow area.
Glowing Palm Leaves
Heavy, dark palm leaves with glowing tips.
Green Ravine
You can learn every path easily when the ravine has hundreds of unique landmarks: fallen trees, exposed roots, small streams, and other fun stuff like that!
Markings Applicator [Nightchill]
Use this on your chosen wolf in order to apply a Nightchill marking of your choice in any available slot with your chosen opacity percentage.
Meadow in the Thicket
A serene retreat in the middle of the dense coniferous woodland.
Swan Feather
This feather may be big, but it's very fragile.
Wolf Meat
Female wolves that consume Wolf Meat before their next breeding have a higher chance that a puppy in their litter will develop a random spontaneous mutation.
Wolf Scrotum
Any wolf that consumes this item prior to breeding has a higher chance that a puppy in their litter will be born with the same mutation that they have.