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The Southern Bush's Wishlist

This is The Southern Bush's Wishlist - a list of all the items they desire! If you are feeling generous, you may wish to gift one or more of these items to this member!

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Prairie Iris
Some like it hot, some like it cold, and this iris loves the heat. It's most commonly found in hot, humid climates.
Prairie Lily
This beautiful red bloom is sure to add a splash of color to any scene!
Pronghorn Horns
Are these antlers or horns? Why can't the prey pick a shape and stick with it?!
Pronghorn Pelt
This pelt may not be very fluffy, but it's still beautiful.
Puffin Colony
It appears as if thousands of birds lived among these cliffs!
Pupsitter Den
Den of a prepared pupsitter - all the toys are ready for a long day of fun!
Python Skull
A big, fragile skull of a scary snake.
Quail Trail
Quails are wandering on their favourite paths, perhaps it's a great spot to admire the view or prepare an ambush.
Rabbit Foot Den
Rabbit feet are being dried here for future use.
Rain Drops
Scarce rain drops are splashing on the ground.
Ram's Head Lady's Slipper
Be careful! This little slipper flower is incredibly rare and very delicate.
Rattlesnake Den
Perhapsss... you could live with them if you know how to speak their tongue.
Rattlesnake Skin
This is the very impressive skin of a slithering opponent.
Raven Cliff
This dry forest descends along the hillside. Distant croaking sends shivers down your spine.
Recipe: Azure-Hooded Jay
Learn the recipe to be able to craft the Azure-Hooded Jay decor!
Note: Found while exploring, from encounters which normally drop amusement items.