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reynbow! 👾's Wishlist

This is reynbow! 👾's Wishlist - a list of all the items they desire! If you are feeling generous, you may wish to gift one or more of these items to this member!

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""Queen’s Robes"" (Dark Blue)
Treat your wolves like the royals they are. Might do other colors soon.
Note: Leaving this one here to add the note that ANY CD is welcomed! <3
[Canada] Ontario - Algonquin Park
Still waters and humid air create amazing fog in the mornings. North America - Canada theme set.
Note: Leaving this here to say bgs are also appreciated!
[Canada] Yukon - Icy Shores
It seems as if the snow never melts. North America - Canada theme set.
Note: And also GC and SC
[USA] Michigan - Pictured Rocks
Beautiful cliffs and arches are scattered along the shore of a massive lake. North America - USA theme set.
Note: one of my fav bgs. i live in MI and have been here before!
An acorn. Fun to play with and chew on! It's a bit like pine cones—it can be used as currency with other scavenging animals you may meet whilst exploring.
Note: Amusement also welcomed 100% of the time
American aloe can be found in deserts, swamps, and rainforests. It is useful for creating alcohol-based salves. If the flowers are dried, they can turn into a nice, soft bedding for newborn puppies.
Amusement Scraps
Leftovers from common amusement items.
Animal Companion: Hedgehog
A hedgehog friend! If you are nice enough, it may spare you some rings...
Note: My sibling's favorite animal is the hedgehog, I want to gift them one :(
Anniversary! Festive Confetti [Behind]
Yay! Some natural confetti falls behind your wolf.
Anniversary! Festive Confetti [Front]
Yay! Some natural confetti falls in front of your wolf.
Anniversary! Festive Crown
A wonderful festive crown to decorate your wolf's head.
Anniversary! Festive Danglies
Your den is decorated with the woodland's most festive objects.
Anniversary! Festive Tail Wrap
A wonderful festive crown to decorate your wolf's tail.
Anniversary! Festive Tala
Tala is celebrating welcoming all the new fantastic pack leaders to Wolvden!
Anniversary! Festive Wreath
A wonderful festive crown to decorate your wolf's neck and chest.