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Msasi but Christmas-y's Wishlist

This is Msasi but Christmas-y's Wishlist - a list of all the items they desire! If you are feeling generous, you may wish to gift one or more of these items to this member!

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Cairn Pillar
Looks like these pillars were marking something important. Maybe your amazing new territory?
Cairn Ruins
Someone built something here a long, long time ago. It's overgrown and abandoned, though it also protects you from the elements. What a perfect spot!
Caribou Antlers
Wow! It's impressive to think they grow these tiny trees on their heads!
Caribou Calf Carcass
Aw, it has a little red nose... probably from the blood.
Smooth carrionflower vines can be found in shaded grasslands and forests, climbing on trees. It is used for treating infections and wounds. If dried, it can turn into a nice, soft bedding for newborn puppies.
Cedar Bark
Cedar bark can be found in all but cold biomes. It is used in healing ceremonies, but the smoke can also choke some parasites. If dried, it can turn into a nice, soft bedding for newborn puppies.
Creosote bush, also known as Chaparral, can be found in desert shrublands. The properties of this plant are ideal for fighting snakebites. If dried, it can turn into a nice, soft bedding for newborn puppies.
Chaparral Shrubland
A coastal and montane scrubland area found in California and Mexico. Some chaparral can be over a century old and are able to survive long periods without rainfall.
It smells like fire and ash. When prepared, it can soothe digestive problems.
Chattering Parakeets
Noisy parakeets are flocking on the branches.
Chilling Blue Jays
Just a bunch of Blue Jays chilling in a hot scrub, five feet apart cause they're very jay.
Claw Applicator [Blend]
Use this on your chosen wolf to change their claw colour to Blend.
Claw Applicator [Conflux]
Use this on your chosen wolf to change their claw colour to Conflux.
Claw Applicator [Mud]
Use this on your chosen wolf to change their claw colour to Mud.
Cleeves Cove Cave
There’s no telling what secrets lurk in this cave system for any wolf brave enough to explore them.