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CanisAlbus's Wishlist

This is CanisAlbus's Wishlist - a list of all the items they desire! If you are feeling generous, you may wish to gift one or more of these items to this member!

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[USA] Oregon - Oregon Coast
Let your paws sink into the moist sand as you wander along the coastal forest. North America - USA theme set.
Ash Meadows
A beautiful desert oasis located in Nevada, right next to the famous Death Valley. Plentiful streams and wetlands provide enough water for wildlife to thrive, and for a wolf pack to survive even in the harshest desert.
Chaparral Shrubland
A coastal and montane scrubland area found in California and Mexico. Some chaparral can be over a century old and are able to survive long periods without rainfall.
Divine Halo
Bestow yourself with holy favor.
Eternal Slumber
You can admire this Elk's eternal slumber. Perhaps even make a den around the very magnificent bones...
Giant Effigy
Someone has created an effigy that's as tall as the trees here. Will you make an offering?
Great Bear Rainforest
An unusual rainforest full of wolves, bears, and cougars spreads through the Canadian shores and islands.
Great Swamp Refuge
The Great Swamp National Wildlife Refuge can be found in New Jersey. This beautiful deciduous wilderness is a safe place from any dangerous water reptiles.
Green Bonfire
Flames as green as new spring growth create a sinister backdrop on this peaceful lake.
Hubbard Glacier
This is an incredible sight in the Yukon. The glacier reaches the sea, where it calves floating icebergs from time to time.
Hudson Bay
A massive region with a variety of wildlife. When winter comes and ice enters the bay, polar bears wander further south to hunt.
Barren landscapes formed by lava fields. These badlands can be found in New Mexico.
Massive Landslide
The earth churns and buckles as a landslide crashes through the land, taking out everything in its wake.
Meadow in the Thicket
A serene retreat in the middle of the dense coniferous woodland.
Mendenhall Glacier
The tongue of this Alaskan Glacier is feeding a lake and forming beautiful caves. Sadly, it's slowly shrinking as the climate warms up.