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Hemlock's Wishlist

This is Hemlock's Wishlist - a list of all the items they desire! If you are feeling generous, you may wish to gift one or more of these items to this member!

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"Googly Eyes"
You'll win ALL the staring contests!
Belted Kingfisher
This is a species of bird where, for once, the females are more colourful!
Blue Moon
A blue moon isn't really blue - it's just a second full moon within one month! This item appears within Raccoon Wares every month that features two full moons in real life (this refers to the calendar blue moon event).
Morning Mist in the Woods
The cold mist barely lets the sun through within the deep forest.
Seasonal Blue Moon
Unique background celebrating a unique event. Seasonal Blue Moon is the third Full Moon of an astronomical season that has four Full Moons. Next available date for this Background is May 2026.