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Dragon Desire's Wishlist

This is Dragon Desire's Wishlist - a list of all the items they desire! If you are feeling generous, you may wish to gift one or more of these items to this member!

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Bodypaint: Crescent Moon [Purple]
Purple body paint blessed by the moon is painted on your fur to match the crescent moon!
Note: Lunar Shop
Bodypaint: Glowing Moon Stripes [Lunar]
Moonlight streaks down on your pelt, leaving behind misty lunar stripes.
Note: Lunar Shop
Bodypaint: Glowing Moon Stripes [Purple]
Moonlight streaks down on your pelt, leaving behind vibrant purple stripes.
Note: Lunar Shop
Bodypaint: Glowing Spore Stripes
A very striking accent for your lunar look!
Note: Lunar Shop
Bodypaint: Lunar Path
A very striking accent for your lunar look!
Note: Lunar Shop
Bodypaint: Moon Swirls [Lunar]
Lunar whispers run through your fur, leaving behind delicate lunar swirls as they pass by.
Note: Lunar Shop
Bodypaint: Moon Swirls [Purple]
Lunar whispers run through your fur, leaving behind delicate purple swirls as they pass by.
Note: Lunar Shop
Bohemian Waxwing
A colourful bird with waxy feather tips.
Note: Taiga Raccoon Wares
Bone Decor
Note: Can be crafted
Boreal Forest
An endless forest that hides ancient trails and secrets.
Note: Taiga Raccoon Wares
Bowltube Iris
A beautiful flower native to California, it was also used as fiber to fashion nets and snares by humans long ago.
Note: Grasslands Raccoon Wares
Buck Supermoon
Biggest full moon occuring in July is called Buck Supermoon. First released in July 2022.
Note: Lunar Shop
Bulbous Lunar Flower
This flower might seem unknown to you, but it doesn't stand out in the Dreamlands. It's tall, heavy-looking, and attracts all sorts of insects.
Note: Lunar Shop
Burned Forest
Looks like a wild fire went through these woods.
Note: Cataclysms - Independent Faction Shop
Burning Bush Crown
Burning bush branches woven into a crown. You can see some fruit between the leaves!
Note: Can be crafted