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Moonshard's Wishlist

This is Moonshard's Wishlist - a list of all the items they desire! If you are feeling generous, you may wish to gift one or more of these items to this member!

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Lunar Swamp
Damp air swirls above the water's surface, disrupting the reflections into dream-like shapes. When the lunar influence is strong, everything lights up and becomes alive.
Lunar Taiga
A shining stream flows through the sharp terrain, surrounded by dense forests. When the lunar influence is strong, everything lights up and becomes alive.
Lunar Toad
The toad is hidden in the foliage, absorbing the essence through its skin.
Lunar Tundra
This vast steppe is decorated with a mosaic of water, lichen, moss, and rocks. When the lunar influence is strong, everything lights up and becomes alive.
Meadow in the Thicket
A serene retreat in the middle of the dense coniferous woodland.
Mendenhall Glacier
The tongue of this Alaskan Glacier is feeding a lake and forming beautiful caves. Sadly, it's slowly shrinking as the climate warms up.
Migrating Caribou
The herds are migrating in search of nutritious food, not yet frozen by the harsh winter.
Monarch Butterfly
Quite an iconic butterfly.
Moon Moon
Dammit, Moon Moon!
Moonlit Aurora
Lunar aurora seems to be pulsating in the rhythm of all the lights on the ground, as if the essence is flowing through everything in harmony.
Moonlit Meadow Path
The moon is rising over the lands. The sky is almost as bright as it would be in the daylight.
Moonlit Mines
Moonlight shines through cracks in the ceiling, making the reflective crystals light the mineshaft from inside.
Morning Mist in the Woods
The cold mist barely lets the sun through within the deep forest.
Mountain Bluebird
As the sun rises, this bluebird's song can be heard over the mountains.
Mountain Laurel Blossoms
Flowering bush spreads amazing scents in the mountain forest.