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Evron's Wishlist

This is Evron's Wishlist - a list of all the items they desire! If you are feeling generous, you may wish to gift one or more of these items to this member!

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Pupsitting: Muties
The babies are coming out strange colors.
Random Marking Applicator
This applicator will let you fill a slot on your chosen wolf with any random common or custom marking at a random opacity. BUT! There is a super rare chance to receive a rare-type marking, such as event, raffle, RMA-exclusive, etc.!
Note: Always need this
Recipe: Pose Variant [Sentinel]
Learn the recipe to be able to craft the Pose Variant [Sentinel]!
Note: Would LOVE this
Skull Facepaint [Bone]
Skull facepaint from Wapiti's Decor
Skull Facepaint [Dark]
Skull facepaint from Wapiti's Decor
Note: Need this for future lead
Smouldering Effigy
Something about this effigy is calling to you...
Note: This is less prioritized but appreciated
Wolf Blood
Applying this item to the female wolf before breeding will give a small chance for a puppy in her next litter to develop a recessive mutation.
Wolf Meat
Female wolves that consume Wolf Meat before their next breeding have a higher chance that a puppy in their litter will develop a random spontaneous mutation.
Note: Would love this
Wolf Scrotum
Any wolf that consumes this item prior to breeding has a higher chance that a puppy in their litter will be born with the same mutation that they have.