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Sowl's Wishlist

This is Sowl's Wishlist - a list of all the items they desire! If you are feeling generous, you may wish to gift one or more of these items to this member!

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-- """Eye's of the seer""" --
You're wolf seems to be able to see the future, I wonder what they see. Hm. [Private Decor. Only 5 copies will ever exist]
3 Ring Earring
A gold 3 ring earring for all basic wolf stages
A Divine Harvest
The power of the harvest moon lurks over your wolf.
A Halo from The Seers
Something strange has awakened within your wolf—it might be better to stay away. Or, perhaps, you could ask them for a favor in exchange for something else...?
Ancient Jewelry
Various metal trinkets.
Anniversary! Festive Tala
Tala is celebrating welcoming all the new fantastic pack leaders to Wolvden!