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55Captain's Wishlist

This is 55Captain's Wishlist - a list of all the items they desire! If you are feeling generous, you may wish to gift one or more of these items to this member!

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"Steampunk" Goggle Gadget
An eye scope lens for all those would-be mad scientist wolves out there.
[USA] Indiana - Cornfields
The tall prairie grass is now replaced by humans with a new type of plant. Like a forest, it can shelter a wolf, a deer, a scary movie killer... anything, really. North America - USA theme set.
[USA] Tennessee - Great Smoky Mountains
The Smokies are a subrange of the Appalachian Mountains. The fog, which inspired its name, is a common sight due to vegetation vapors. North America - USA theme set.
[USA] West Virginia - Beartown
These unique rock formations provide a great tactical hiding spot for your pack. North America - USA theme set.
Abandoned Tabby [Gray]
You found this kitten abandoned in the nearby underbrush. Maybe you can teach it to be a wolf!
Anniversary! Tala's Welcome
This is the place where Tala welcomed all the new pack leaders to this world.
Autumn Fog
When fall arrives, the forest becomes cold and damp, as nature begins to wrap up before the first snow.
Auyuittuq National Park
Also known as the land that never melts, this area is rich in fjords, rocky slopes, and ice fields. The mountain range has the oddest shape, as if ancient beings tried to build cities on the range's very peaks.
Blue Moon
Blue Moon isn't really blue - it's just another full moon within one month! This item appears in Raccoon Wares every month featuring two full moons (in real life). (This refers to Calendar Blue Moon event).
Blue Sage
This item will guarantee a minimum of 5 puppies in a litter. Prepare a ceremony and howl a song for your chosen wolf.
Boreal Forest
An endless forest that hides ancient trails and secrets.
Branch Antler (Winter)
It seems all the leaves have fallen off.
Broken Antler Decor
A fun toy to carry around!
Cairn Pillar
Looks like these pillars were marking something important. Maybe your amazing new territory?
California Scrub Jay
An intelligent bird from western North America. It dwells in urban and suburban areas.