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Midna_Okami's Wishlist

This is Midna_Okami's Wishlist - a list of all the items they desire! If you are feeling generous, you may wish to gift one or more of these items to this member!

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[USA] Louisiana - Atchafalaya Swamp
Where a river delta expands into a wetland, an ancient cypress forest grows undisturbed. North America - USA theme set.
[USA] Tennessee - Great Smoky Mountains
The Smokies are a subrange of the Appalachian Mountains. The fog, which inspired its name, is a common sight due to vegetation vapors. North America - USA theme set.
Annoying Sprite
This obnoxious fae-creature won't stop talking your ear off!
The object's strange whistle reminds you of a legend you once heard about a princess and a knight.