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Silver's Wishlist

This is Silver's Wishlist - a list of all the items they desire! If you are feeling generous, you may wish to gift one or more of these items to this member!

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Blue Glowy Feather Bodywear
If a small detail is not enough, no one can ignore a majestic, blue bodywear, straight from the Dreamlands.
Blue Glowy Feather Headwear
This mysterious blue glow will add a Dreamland vibe to your everyday look.
Blue Glowy Feather Rumpwear
The newest fashion from the Dreamlands. If you want to stand out, this deep blue rumpwear is exactly what you need.
Blue Lunar Backline Fluff [Body]
Long delicate hairs of glowing blue sprout along your wolf's back. Beautiful!
Blue Lunar Backline Fluff [Head]
Bright blue hair grows on top of your wolf's head like some sort of funky mohawk.
Blue Lunar Backline Fluff [Tail]
Blue fur makes your wolf's tail extra fluffy and bright!
Note: For Apollo
Blue Sage
This item will guarantee a minimum of 5 puppies in a litter. Prepare a ceremony and howl a song for your chosen wolf.
Blue Twisting Essence
Essence stabilized enough to be crafted into a body ornament.
Note: For Apollo
Body Spikes
These bony growths seem difficult to live with.
Broken Antler Decor
A fun toy to carry around!
Brown Leather Sporran
This leather pocket was crafted exclusively for wolves to adapt their looks to the traditional Scottish style.
Note: For Apollo
Canine Fang Necklace
The fangs of some cheeky canines have been arranged into a necklace.
Celtic Astrology [Amethyst] - Salmon Earring
This subtle earring is made out of salmon fish bones, hazel fibre, and gems.
Celtic Astrology [Carnelian] - Holly Tail Jewelry
This jewelry has been combined with holly and is meant to adorn a wolf's tail. It creates a very royal look.
Celtic Astrology [Coral] - Green Bracelet
This bracelet has a very intricate pattern. It resembles jewelry more than it does armour.