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⇌ Castiel, Shark Keeper ⇋'s Wishlist

This is ⇌ Castiel, Shark Keeper ⇋'s Wishlist - a list of all the items they desire! If you are feeling generous, you may wish to gift one or more of these items to this member!

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Mutie on Demand: Patches Mottled
This applicator will apply the Patches: Mottled pattern to your chosen wolf. This is a secondary mutation that has a small chance of naturally passing.
Playful Jaeger
This fearsome sea bird is a skilled hunter and has decided to keep you company! Maybe it will stick around long enough to teach you a few things.
Pose Variant [Motherly]
Use this to apply a pose to a default adult wolf of your choice. It cannot have a primary mutation - secondary mutations are OK! The pose will not pass onto offspring. It uses nested artwork, but does not provide a nest.
Pose Variant [Relaxed]
Use this to apply a pose to a default adult wolf of your choice. It cannot have a primary mutation - secondary mutations are OK! The pose will not pass onto offspring.
Purple Lunar Backline Fluff [Body]
Long delicate hairs of glowing purple sprout along your wolf's back. Beautiful!
Purple Lunar Backline Fluff [Head]
Bright purple hair grows on top of your wolf's head like some sort of funky mohawk.
Purple Lunar Backline Fluff [Tail]
Purple fur makes your wolf's tail extra fluffy and bright!
Recipe: Eye Applicator [Scallop]
Learn the recipe to be able to craft the Eye Applicator [Scallop]!
Recipe: Pose Variant [Sentinel]
Learn the recipe to be able to craft the Pose Variant [Sentinel]!
Red and Silver Cloak Decor
A simple red cloak with a silver filigree collar.
Sex Changer
Use this on your chosen wolf to change their sex. It can only be used if your chosen wolf has not been bred, is not a breeding male, or is not a lead wolf.
Smoo Cave
In this cool and secluded place, fresh and saltwater mix in this cave that has been carved out by the sea over centuries.
Snipe Friend
Looks like Snipe has found a safe haven in your pack!
Sunset: Cold Taiga
It's only going to get colder as the sun disappears. Brr!
Total Lunar Eclipse Jaguar Cub
In South America, a long, long time ago, it was believed that a jaguar was eating the moon, causing it to turn red from the blood.