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☽Senpha☾'s Wishlist

This is ☽Senpha☾'s Wishlist - a list of all the items they desire! If you are feeling generous, you may wish to gift one or more of these items to this member!

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Marking Removal
Use this to remove any marking of your choice from any slot on your chosen wolf.
Medicine: Cough Cure
An elixir used for curing all kinds of Cough, crafted by skilled paws.
Medicine: Cure-For-All
This miracle cure will instantly heal any disease for your chosen wolf!
Medicine: Fleas Remedy
A remedy used for getting rid of Fleas, crafted by skilled paws.
Medicine: Healing Salve
This salve is used to heal some of the smaller injuries your wolves may gain.
Medicine: Open Wound Salve
A salve used for healing an Open Wound, crafted by skilled paws.
Medicine: Rich Healing Salve
This salve will heal a large amount of HP for your chosen wolf.
Meteor Strike
A terrifying object shoots through the sky. It appears to be on fire, and explodes into multiple, smaller projectiles, changing the ambient colour of the air.
Monsoon Rains
Seasonal heavy rains appear when winds reverse due to atmospheric circulation.
Moon Moon
Dammit, Moon Moon!
Mourning Dove
Known also as the Turtle Dove, this bird can build a nest almost anywhere.
Mutie on Demand: Piebald Torn
This applicator will apply the Piebald: Torn pattern to your chosen wolf. This is a secondary mutation that has a small chance of naturally passing.
Mutie on Demand: Piebald Uneven
This applicator will apply the Piebald: Uneven pattern to your chosen wolf. This is a secondary mutation that has a small chance of naturally passing.
Stop having kids!!!
Random Marking Applicator
This applicator will let you fill a slot on your chosen wolf with any random common or custom marking at a random opacity. BUT! There is a super rare chance to receive a rare-type marking, such as event, raffle, RMA-exclusive, etc.!