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Fangz's Wishlist

This is Fangz's Wishlist - a list of all the items they desire! If you are feeling generous, you may wish to gift one or more of these items to this member!

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Antarctic Eclipse
Is it a vision from another world, or did a Lunar trail lead you all the way here? This appears in the Lunar Shoppe only during Lunar events happening over Antarctica - you may not see it for years.
Aspen Trees
Quaking aspen can withstand habitats that many broad-leaf trees cannot.
Attached Antlers [Whitetail]
An interesting growth for a wolf!
Aurora Borealis
The Northern Lights emanate from your back
Aurora Borealis [Sparkles]
The mysterious lights dancing across the northern skies are said to be the light reflecting from the armour and shields of the Valkyries.
Autumn Fog
When fall arrives, the forest becomes cold and damp, as nature begins to wrap up before the first snow.
Azalea Flower Decor
These vibrant pink azalea flowers are super eye-catching.
Badger Pelt
The pelt of a badger. It isn't whole, and the edges are torn, but it's quite clean and fuzzy!
Badger Skull
The skull of a badger. If you leave it outside, the insects will clean it up quite nicely!
Bear Hunter Outfit [Black]
Outfit made of black bear battle trophies for real warriors!
Beaver Blood Moon Total Lunar Eclipse
This was a dark, red total lunar eclipse that occurred in November 2022. It was visible from North and Central America, Asia, Oceania, Australia, and New Zealand
Black Bat Wings
Fly away from all of your problems with these wings.
Black Leather Sporran
This leather pocket was crafted exclusively for wolves to adapt their looks to the traditional Scottish style.
Black Sage
This item will guarantee a minimum of 4 puppies in a litter. Prepare a ceremony and howl a song for your chosen wolf.
Black Spiked Collar
Because you're bad to the bone, baby!