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JojoIsTired's Wishlist

This is JojoIsTired's Wishlist - a list of all the items they desire! If you are feeling generous, you may wish to gift one or more of these items to this member!

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Pose Variant [Relaxed]
Use this to apply a pose to a default adult wolf of your choice. It cannot have a primary mutation - secondary mutations are OK! The pose will not pass onto offspring.
Pose Variant [Sentinel]
Use this to apply a pose to a default adult wolf of your choice. It cannot have a primary mutation - secondary mutations are OK! The pose will not pass onto offspring.
Random Marking Applicator
This applicator will let you fill a slot on your chosen wolf with any random common or custom marking at a random opacity. BUT! There is a super rare chance to receive a rare-type marking, such as event, raffle, RMA-exclusive, etc.!
Remnant: Badger Pelt
You saved some scraps of a Badger Pelt - they might be useful!
Remnant: Fox Pelt [Red]
You saved some scraps of a Fox Pelt [Red] - they might be useful!
Remnant: Fox Tail [Red]
You saved some scraps of a Fox Tail [Red] - they might be useful!
Rock Salt [Nose Pass]
This item will let you pass on your chosen wolf's nose colour to all puppies in the next breeding's litter.
Sea Salt [Skin Pass]
This item will let you pass on your chosen wolf's skin colour to all puppies in the next breeding's litter.
Skin Applicator [Apollo]
Use this on your chosen wolf to change their skin colour to Apollo.
Skin Applicator [Noctiluca]
Use this on your chosen wolf to change their skin colour to Noctiluca.
Skin Changer
Use this on your chosen wolf to change their skin colour into another common or custom skin colour of your choice.
The Cairngorms
Also known as Am Monadh Ruadh, this mountain range is part of the Cairngorms National Park and offers a quiet sanctuary to all animals.
Toy Bundle
A bundle of toys! This package will grant you two to three random amusement items.
White Sage
This item will guarantee a minimum of 6 puppies in a litter. Prepare a ceremony and howl a song for your chosen wolf.
Windermere Lake
This is the largest natural lake in England. Legends speak of various supernatural creatures showing up on the shores and in the waters.