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Existential Crisis's Wishlist

This is Existential Crisis's Wishlist - a list of all the items they desire! If you are feeling generous, you may wish to gift one or more of these items to this member!

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Herb Bundle
If you're in need of some herbs, this package will grant you two to three random herbs to spice things up!
Meat Pie
This special account anniversary item cannot be traded with other accounts. You can use it to fill your chosen wolf with 100 energy!
Medicine: Antidote
An antidote used for curing poison, crafted by skilled paws.
Medicine: Constipation Cure
An elixir used for curing Constipation, crafted by skilled paws.
Medicine: Cure-For-All
This miracle cure will instantly heal any disease for your chosen wolf!
Nesting Material
This soft nesting material is perfect for your pregnant wolves. One of these is good for one full nest.
Nose Applicator [Glazed]
Use this on your chosen wolf to change their nose colour to Glazed.
Nose Applicator [Spectre]
Use this on your chosen wolf to change their nose colour to Spectre.
Pasque Flower
Use this on your chosen wolf to temporarily add 10% fertility until their next successful breeding. This can be stacked with multiple Pasque Flowers until your chosen wolf hits 100% fertility, but you cannot cancel out the effects with Juniper Berries.
Pose Variant [Motherly]
Use this to apply a pose to a default adult wolf of your choice. It cannot have a primary mutation - secondary mutations are OK! The pose will not pass onto offspring. It uses nested artwork, but does not provide a nest.
Pose Variant [Relaxed]
Use this to apply a pose to a default adult wolf of your choice. It cannot have a primary mutation - secondary mutations are OK! The pose will not pass onto offspring.
Pose Variant [Sentinel]
Use this to apply a pose to a default adult wolf of your choice. It cannot have a primary mutation - secondary mutations are OK! The pose will not pass onto offspring.
Smouldering Effigy
Something about this effigy is calling to you...
Toy Bundle
A bundle of toys! This package will grant you two to three random amusement items.
White Sage
This item will guarantee a minimum of 6 puppies in a litter. Prepare a ceremony and howl a song for your chosen wolf.