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:鉁┾樉 饾暤饾枈饾枠饾枠 鈽解湬:'s Wishlist

This is :鉁┾樉 饾暤饾枈饾枠饾枠 鈽解湬:'s Wishlist - a list of all the items they desire! If you are feeling generous, you may wish to gift one or more of these items to this member!

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"Adular Flame" Lumen Glow & Eyes
This decor will turn your wolf into a guest from another world!
Flickering Forest
The late afternoon sun rays hit the leaves and trunks of mixed trees. Damp air, smelling of autumn, fills with the blue shade of the approaching night sky.
Lava Cave
A massive crack in the ground revealed a cave with pockets of active lava. What a warm place to live in!
Night Guadalupe Mountains Canyons
There are many caves and alcoves in these mountains. Seems like the perfect spot for a den! Can only be obtained at night.
Sex Changer
Use this on your chosen wolf to change their sex. It can only be used if your chosen wolf has not been bred, is not a breeding male, or is not a lead wolf.
White Sage
This item will guarantee a minimum of 6 puppies in a litter. Prepare a ceremony and howl a song for your chosen wolf.