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DuchessD037's Wishlist

This is DuchessD037's Wishlist - a list of all the items they desire! If you are feeling generous, you may wish to gift one or more of these items to this member!

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Angel Oak
Wolves tell stories of this ancient tree and the ghostly visitors that appear around it from time to time.
Boreal Forest
An endless forest that hides ancient trails and secrets.
Buck Supermoon
The biggest full moon that occurs in July is called the Buck Supermoon. This was first released in July 2022.
Burrows Among the Roots
As the trees grow, they tear the ground apart, creating convenient shelters for animals.
Cave Entrance
A Coigreach cave entrance. The area glows with an eerie green light. The sound from deep inside is ominous.
Cave Passage
A Coigreach cave passage. The area glows with an eerie green light. The sound from deep inside is ominous.
Cave Tunnel
A Coigreach cave tunnel. The area glows with an eerie green light. The sound from deep inside is ominous.