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spider in the garden's Wishlist

This is spider in the garden's Wishlist - a list of all the items they desire! If you are feeling generous, you may wish to gift one or more of these items to this member!

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"Adular Flame" Lumen Glow & Eyes
This decor will turn your wolf into a guest from another world!
"All about the fight" Back Leg Set
Scars sure tell a story, wonder where he got these silver chains from? If he broke out somewhere?
Aging Dragon Companion
You were playing with the egg and now it's hatched! Wonder how big he'll get...
Aurora Borealis
The Northern Lights emanate from your back
Bungus The Jumping Spider
Feels nothing but hunger and annoyance. Will shit on you if you displease her.
Cernunnos Stag
An animal personification of an ancient Celtic deity and the circle of life.
Collar of teeth
Stop running with scissors.
Iron Scrap
Some weird, heavy rocks. It seems valuable to some creatures.
Pasque Flower
Use this on your chosen wolf to temporarily add 10% fertility until their next successful breeding. This can be stacked with multiple Pasque Flowers until your chosen wolf hits 100% fertility, but you cannot cancel out the effects with Juniper Berries.
Polymelia Survivor [melanistic]
Despite having deformed extra limbs, this wolf has beat the odds and made it to adulthood.
Raven Cliff
This dry forest descends along the hillside. Distant croaking sends shivers down your spine.
Skin Changer
Use this on your chosen wolf to change their skin colour into another common or custom skin colour of your choice.
Wyvern Wings [Black]
Bored of your wolf's forelegs? Have them sport an elegant pair of dark, scaled wings instead!