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0Yukidori0's Wishlist

This is 0Yukidori0's Wishlist - a list of all the items they desire! If you are feeling generous, you may wish to gift one or more of these items to this member!

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Cleeves Cove Cave
There's no telling what secrets lurk in this cave system for any wolf brave enough to explore them.
Cliffs of Moher
These impressive cliffs offer a breathtaking view of the ocean and lands beyond.
Clover Field
This landscape is covered with wild white clover.
Cnitharian Touch
Your wolf has sprouted glowing appendages, just like the Cnitharians of the dreamlands.
Cnitharian wolf
What are these growing from your wolf? It looks like the ones you've seen in dreams!
Cnitharian Wolf Pups
Some adorable cnitharian-type wolf pups. Their jellyfish-like tendrils glow in excitement when they play.
Coat of the Thundering Herd
This dense, robust brown bison pelt is accented with strings of delicate small animal bones, eagle feathers, and the thick tine of a large caribou, all bound and braided by skilled paws.
Cojoined twins custom fur tufts
Extra fluffness for Twins of Carnage (commissioned by #6510).
Cold Breath
It's so cold you can see your breath!
Collar of teeth
Stop running with scissors.
A result of your wolf's compulsive hoarding of items over many moons of scouting and scavenging.
Columbia Icefield
This is the largest ice field in the Rocky Mountains. It was formed during a great glaciation. If one ventures high enough, the hike can reward you with the amazing sight of ancient glaciers.
Common Grackle
Though it may look plain, this little bird can mimic the sounds of other birds and humans. Humans don't like them, so they'll fit right at home with you!
Common Ground Dove
One of the smallest doves, it prefers to roam on the ground than to fly.
Common Pheasant
Normally you'd eat one of these, but, well... maybe this one makes a better friend.