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AntoineDythe's Wishlist

This is AntoineDythe's Wishlist - a list of all the items they desire! If you are feeling generous, you may wish to gift one or more of these items to this member!

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"Abby's Dream" Toxic Spirit
You're feeling sick? Perfect!
Note: My sister is called Abby so I'm looking for that decor
American aloe can be found in deserts, swamps, and rainforests. It is useful for creating alcohol-based salves. If the flowers are dried, they can turn into a nice, soft bedding for newborn puppies.
Note: Never have enough of it
Buffaloberry can be found in northern prairies and forests. It is useful for calming a tense stomach. If dried, it can turn into a nice, soft bedding for newborn puppies.
Note: Because I can't find them
Creosote bush, also known as chaparral, can be found in desert shrublands. The properties of this plant are ideal for fighting snakebites. If dried, it can turn into a nice, soft bedding for newborn puppies.
Note: They don't want me to take them
Curious Tangerine Fren
A strange tangerine lizard seems to have followed your wolf home! (Sponsored by #28951)
Expression: Happy
Note: Happy
Eye Applicator [Saros]
Use this on your chosen wolf to change their eye colour to Saros.
Note: For a legacy
Mourning Cloak
This butterfly prefers a colder climate.
Pineapple Leaf
Pineapples can be found in the rainforest. Their leaves can help with throat infections. If dried, they can turn into a nice, soft bedding for newborn puppies.
Note: I can never find them
Red Marauder (Courage)
Yes, she is also a Red Marauder. You really shouldn't have come close to her pups.. Wait, is that pup plural or not? (made specifically for the Courage Wolf decor)
Note: Cool
Wolf Meat
Female wolves that consume Wolf Meat before their next breeding have a higher chance that a puppy in their litter will develop a random spontaneous mutation.
Note: Just give me a lethal puppy