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Ghost's Wishlist

This is Ghost's Wishlist - a list of all the items they desire! If you are feeling generous, you may wish to gift one or more of these items to this member!

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Funky Leaf
This leaf smells a bit.. funky.
Glowing Spores
Looks like a cool memorabilia from some dream-like world. Perhaps you could craft something from it in the future?
A tasty plant that packs an unexpected ZING! This item will replenish your chosen wolf's energy to 100%.
Instant Pup Delivery
Use this on your chosen pregnant wolf to bypass the four-rollover gestation cooldown. Your chosen wolf must be nested.
Marking Opacity Changer
Use this on your chosen wolf to change the opacity of one of their markings. You can choose any value between 1-100%.
Marking Set Applicator [Ghast]
Use this on your chosen wolf in order to apply a Ghast type marking of your choice in any available slot with your chosen opacity percentage.
Markings Applicator [Abomination]
Use this on your chosen wolf in order to apply an Abomination marking of your choice in any available slot with your chosen opacity percentage.
Markings Applicator [Cynthia]
Use this on your chosen wolf in order to apply a Cynthia marking of your choice in any available slot with your chosen opacity percentage.
Medicine: Cure-For-All
This miracle cure will instantly heal any disease for your chosen wolf!
Medicine: Healing Salve
This salve is used to heal some of the smaller injuries your wolves may gain.
Moon Moon
Dammit, Moon Moon!
Mutie on Demand: Patches Mottled
This applicator will apply the Patches: Mottled pattern to your chosen wolf. This is a secondary mutation that has a small chance of naturally passing.
Mutie on Demand: Patches Split
This applicator will apply the Patches: Split pattern to your chosen wolf. This is a secondary mutation that has a small chance of naturally passing.
Mutie on Demand: Piebald Biewer
This applicator will apply the Piebald: Biewer pattern to your chosen wolf. This is a secondary mutation that has a small chance of naturally passing.
Mutie on Demand: Piebald Uneven
This applicator will apply the Piebald: Uneven pattern to your chosen wolf. This is a secondary mutation that has a small chance of naturally passing.