This wolf is currently on a breeding cool down. She will be able to fall pregnant again in 4 rollovers! This wolf is currently on a pair bond cool down for 26 rollovers! She can't form a new pair bond until then!
How long was she going throung this land? Weeks? Months?..
Asha was the one to escape from the sick exot collectioneer. He bought her as a nice addition to his "collection" of various animals he's been keeping in rather big, yet still, cages. He was very proud of finally getting himself a wolf...
Asha was very young. It still was her first year alive. And yet... She wasn't okey with being kept in a cage. Being a souveneer. Being a toy for someone's joy!
She wasn't the only сanine in the mansion. The other was Dasha - a black wolfdog on a chain leash outside of the house. She was dutied to be a guard dog. But nither she liked this miserible position in life.
One day, Asha sneaked out of her cage - she dug her way out. She spoke to Dasha - and got bitten: "You must be turning insane, living in this cage, to thing you can go just like that!", - Dasha barked
"I might be insane, but so will be you. Do you really enjoy being his pet?", - Asha asked her quitely. "This might be our chance! We can't free all of them -- the lizards, the tiny bunnies! But we could run ourselves. Think of it. We could live in the wild! Like my parents used to. Oh, I haven't seen them in months! Could they still be alive? I don't even know where we're located, but if only we could find them we coulg join the pack and-!"
"Be bit by some fleas and flys to death. Be murdered by a mountain lion, like this one", - dasha pointed to one of the cages with her nose, "But that one's isn't a threat. The one's on a wild side is."
"But we could be wild, too! We could find a point to be alive! The reason! Live some real life, hunt, breath without fear. If you aren't going with me, just let me go all by myself" - Asha growled.
Dasha was confused of her stubbornish self. She took a deep breath, then growled back: "Fine, suicidal one. I see a pount in your speech. But let me remind you - im chained. And the collar hits me with electricity - whenever I'm trying to get rid of it..."