Starting Stat: 455
You waste no time making your way to the inner clearing of the Thrive camp, astonished to as it unfolds into rolling green grasses and willow trees that sway overhead. You notice the largest tree beside you is cut out near it's sprawling routes and the sweet scent of herbs fills your nose. This must be the herbalist Melia told you to seek.
You wander between the tangles of tree roots making your way into the dimly lit den. Crouched by a hoard of herbs is exactly the wolf you're looking for. "Dandelions... I thought Quail put them somewhere-" He swings his head in your direction, "A visitor! Hi!" He seems flustered, shuffling about his herbs before padding towards you, "You haven't been infected have you?" He gives you a sniff, nodding pleasantly.
"Not that I can tell anyway," He flashes a smile, "Well then, you're good to meet the rest of us if you'd like. What's your name? I'm Pheasant, I'm just here to make sure all of us stay well. If you need me, I've got quite a lot of organizing to do." He begins to return to his stash, only swiveling his head once more toward you, "Say, if you see my apprentice anywhere, will you tell her she's behind on foraging? I never quite know where she's wandered off to."
With a final shake of his head, he crouches back to his work.

Pheasant is our quiet and precise herbalist. Though he's more freshly befriended to our pack, he wasted no time growing close to us all with his will to protect and serve. He was found on a scouting patrol, foraging for herbs in our territory and roaming for a pack to call his own. We were fortunate enough for him to choose us, as he's a keen herbalist and always thirsting for more knowledge.
Family in Pack: n/a
Close Relationships: Quail (apprentice)