This wolf may leave due to neglect! Make sure to feed and play with her!
This wolf is currently on a breeding cool down. She will be able to fall pregnant again in 6 rollovers! This wolf has not rolled over today and will not be able to be traded or gifted until its next rollover.
Got her just because i love the opossum marking lol.
August 22. Watching Swampdew trudge past with an sorrow eye in his look after having to listen to echostone's cries for the next month due to her puppies all dying, OakRain shoves herself forward with a soft upcoming sprint and stops him. green soft eyes as her tail curls under her legs, looking at him with a soft gaze. "Do you need anything? i can help you with anything you need." she whined softly, the question of assistance was strong in her mind of importance towards help. "..I don't need another paw, thank you OakRain, but i appreciate that your willing to help." he barked softly, a grin coming across his canines. "But, perhaps you can help me.." SwampDew whined back, making the female's ears raise in confusion, before it turns into soft lust at what he's implying. "o..oh.. my." she yipped softly, tail wagging as SwampDew moved behind her.