This wolf is immune to illness for 1 rollover. This wolf has not rolled over today and will not be able to be traded or gifted until its next rollover.
15.08. +9 Stat +Level up
16.08. +12 Stat +Level up
17.08 +11 Stat +Level up
18.08 +4 Stat +Level up
19.08 +11 Stat
20.08 +8 Stat +Level up
21.08 +7 Stat
22.08 +11 Stat +Level up
Stat Total 750 [20 Lvl]
23.08 +2 Stat
24.08 +3 Stat
25.08 +9 Stat
26.08 +7 Stat
27.08 +7 Stat
10.09 Stat total 800