Final puppy to be born during the Orchestra dynasty.
Jul 4: Fiddle II was born to mother Bouzouki and father Montuno. Fiddle II was the third of the litter. She was born with sisters Dobro and Banjo. She was named after her grandmother, who she resembles.
Jul 8: Fiddle II asks if they can come along on one of your exploring ventures one day. Two wolves are better at exploring than one!
Jul 9: Fiddle II puts something in front of your paws and says that it's dangerous to go without it. (Peregrine Falcon Feather)
Jul 10: Fiddle II begs you for a chance to go out and explore the territory. There's so much to see!
Jul 26: Fiddle II is an adult today, and has taken the role of a Tenor Chaser.
Dec 18: Retired as a Tenor Chaser to become a Mentor, and joined the other old folks in the Maestro cave.